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Covered Species

Yolo County supports a wide array of species, from specialized plants and animals that only occur in the alkali pools and vernal pools of the Central Valley floor to rare butterflies that occur on the ridges of the Coast Range in the northwestern portion of the County. While the Yolo HCP/NCCP and Local Conservation Plan will facilitate conservation benefits for many of these species, the plans focus on the 12 included in the table below due to their rarity and current conservation status.  



E = Listed as endangered under ESA

T = Listed as threatened under ESA

PT = Proposed for listing as threatened under ESA

C = Candidate for listing under ESA

California Native Plant Society (CNPS)

1B = Rare or endangered in California and elsewhere



E = Listed as endangered under CESA

T = Listed as threatened under CESA

CSC = California species of special concern

FP = Fully protected under the California Fish and Game Code


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